Join CPA-NA's bi-monthly drop-in conversation called “Linking Conversations.” We will think and talk together about what’s happening in the world–such as extreme weather, political moments, and cultural flashpoints–and about linking thought and action, being and doing, the internal and external worlds. Through these conversations, we hope create links that will help us bear the weight of climate change and find spaciousness from which to act.
This Month's Suggested Topic:
Collapse is happening AND we are not alone
What is it like – to feel like you can’t share what you are most afraid of? When you keep silent about what seems “unpopular”?
The home insurance market is collapsing, and scientists are “hopeless and broken”. Although many of us have been facing the impacts of climate (and everything!) change for quite some time, collapse is increasingly evident, even in our “privileged” world. With ever present news reports, changes and uncertainties have become ever more up-close and personal.
“Food and shelter insecurity…Separation from loved ones… Inadequate healthcare”:
We try to process all of this and try to find balance; we find ourselves wondering:
· “How do I be in relationship with all this?”
· “Why are so few of my friends willing to talk about what’s going on?”
· “Where IS everybody???”
In the Western culture of Modernity, we tend to, consciously and unconsciously, prioritize self, individualism, hierarchies, and problems solving in how we think and how we set up our institutions and relationships.
But what if sharing our true experience is empowering and connecting? What if we show-up for ourselves and each other in the knowing that we (all living beings) are connected and interdependent, that we all matter and have essential meaning?
Let us start from this place of belonging. Come share your dreams, nightmares, and unspeakable thoughts. We are here to listen with our hearts. We are here to be fully present, no matter what. Because we are all scared, confused and tired, but we are NOT alone.
The conversations are founded on the idea that to build an empathic and justice oriented response to the climate crisis, we need to support and honor those parts of being human that “link” - to our own inner lives, to the subjective experiences of others, to the collective lived experience of our communities, and to the environment in which we live and upon which we depend. In a culture that persistently attacks and disavows these links, we aim to recognize and support them.
FREE with suggested $5 donation (we are an all volunteer organization and welcome donations to defray costs. No one turned away for inability to make a donation.
We understand that things come up and can’t always be anticipated. We will grant refunds requested 48 hours ahead of the event. We will not honor refunds after the event has started.