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Essential Readings in Climate Psychology
for Mental Health Professionals

We’ve curated a list of essential starting points for learning about climate psychology.
If you are looking for more great resources on climate psychology, check out the resource section at Climate & Mind.

General Guides

Climate Psychology 101 - Climate Psychology Alliance of North America

Climate Emotions Wheel - From our friends at the Climate Mental Health Network: “Emotions wheels have been a visual tool used by psychologists for decades to help people better understand and interpret their own feelings. This Climate Emotions Wheel is based on the research of Panu Pihkala at the University of Helsinki and particularly his 2022 paper Toward A Taxonomy of Climate Emotions. It is not intended to be comprehensive or definitive, and it is not to scale; positive emotions are not typically identified in most research as often as other emotions on this scale. Our hope is that looking at this wheel will help you identify your own emotions and work with them.”

For educators

Educator’s Guide to Climate Emotions - written by a team of teachers, researchers, and mental health clinicians in consultation with youth climate leaders and climate psychology professionals, offers a variety of approaches for working with climate emotions in educational settings.

emotional resiliency in the era of climate change book
psychological roots of the climate crisis by sally weintrobe

Psychoanalytic perspectives

Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal Exceptionalism and the Culture of Uncare” - by Sally Weintrobe

Climate Psychology: A Matter of Life and Death” - edited by Wendy Hollway, Paul Hoggett, Chris Robertson

Engaging with Climate Change: Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” - edited by Sally Weintrobe

Environmental Melancholia: Psychoanalytic Dimensions of Engagement” - by Renee Lertzman

Climate Psychology: On Indifference to Disaster” - edited by Paul Hoggett

Is there a therapy for climate-change anxiety?” - by Steffi Bednarek

Psychoanalysis and ecology at the edge of chaos” - by Joseph Dodds

Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics” - by Donna Orange

Climate Dialectics in Psychotherapy: Holding Open the Space Between Abyss and Advance” - published in Psychodynamic Psychiatry, by Janet Lewis, Elizabeth Haase, and Alexander Trope, 2020

Thinking Catastrophic Thoughts: A Traumatized Sensibility on a Hotter Planet” - by Susan Kassouf, 2022

Environmental justice and climate psychology

*For a more in-depth list of resources on intersectionality and climate more generally, see our guide to intersectionality for climate-aware practitioners.

all we can save book

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis” - edited by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Dr. Katherine K. Wilkinson

Climate Change Isn’t The First Existential Threat” - published on Zora by Mary Annaïse Heglar in 2019

People of Color Experience Climate Grief More Deeply Than White People” - published in Vice by Nylah Burton, 2020

Racism and Climate Change” - published in Psychiatric Times by Robin Cooper, 2021

Climate Justice is Central to Addressing the Climate Emergency's Psychological Consequences in the Global South: A Narrative Review” - by Garret Barnwell and Nick Wood, 2022

braiding sweetgrass book by robin wall kimmerer

Indigenous thinking as climate psychology

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants - by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World” - by Tyson Junkaporta

How an Aboriginal approach to mental health is helping farmers deal with drought- published on Mosaic & republished by Independent, by Georgina Kenyon, April 23 2019

Apocalypse Then and Now” - published in the Columbia Journalism Review, by Julian Brave Noisecat

'A quest for wisdom': How two-eyed seeing mixes Indigenous knowledge and Western science in N.S.”- published on CBC News, by Moria Donovan

The Hoop and The Tree: A Compass for Finding a Deeper Relationship with All Life”- Chris Hoffman

don't even think about it book by george marshall
coming back to life book by joanna macy and molly brown

Group facilitation for working with climate emotions

Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide to the Work that Reconnects” - by Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown

In Time for Tomorrow: The Carbon Conversations Handbook” - (see also The Carbon Conversations Workbook and The Carbon Conversations Facilitator’s Guide by Rosemary Randall

Combating Eco-Fascism and Climate Psychology

Why We Have to Combat Eco-Fascism To Save the Planet” - published in Sharp Magazine, by Adrienne Matei, November 4 2021

Proud Boys and petro-masculinity” - published in the Heated blog, by Emily Atkin, October 1 2020

Petro-masculinity: Fossil Fuels and Authoritarian Desire” - published in Millennium: Journal of International Studies, by Cara Daggett, 2018

Health Care Providers & Climate

Ecological grief and anxiety: the start of a healthy response to climate change?” - published in The Lancet Planetary Health, by Cunsolo et al., July 1 2020

Helping people and planet: Clinical psychology in a time of climate change” - Clinical Psychology Forum 346, by Joe Rehling, October 2021

Views of health professionals on climate change and health: a multinational survey study” - published in The Lancet Planetary Health, by Kotcher et al., April 7 2021

Results from an 18 country cross-sectional study examining experiences of nature for people with common mental health disorders” - published in Nature Scientific Reports, by Tester-Jones et al., November 6 2020

Child & adolescent therapy

Child Therapy in the Great Outdoors: A Relational View” - by Sebastiano Santostefano

Climate Anxiety in Young People: A Call to Action - published in The Lancet by Judy Wu, Gaelen Snell, and Hasina Samji, 2020.

Gestalt therapy

How wide is the field: Gestalt therapy, capitalism and the natural world"“ - S. Bednarek in British Gestalt Journal, 27(2), 8-17.

Depth psychology

Earth, Climate, Dreams: Dialogues with Depth Psychologists in the Age of the Anthropocene” - edited by Bonnie Bright and Jonathan Paul Marshall

Social work & climate change

Climate Change & Health: A Call to Social Workers - the National Association of Social Workers newsletter, Summer 2019.


Ecotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice” - by Marin Jordan and Joe Hinds

Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition” - by Andy Fisher

Ecotherapy: Healing With Nature In Mind” - edited by Linda Buzzell and Craig Chalquist

my grandmother's hands by resmaa menakem

Somatics and Climate Psychology

My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies” - by Resmaa Menakem

Embodying the Climate Crisis” - part one of the series Toward a Somatic Understanding of Climate Change, Trauma, and Transformative Healing, by Emily Wright

Climate Stress Lives in the Body” - part two of the series Toward a Somatic Understanding of Climate Change, Trauma, and Transformative Healing, by Emily Wright

Multidisciplinary Perspectives

Mourning Nature: Hope At The Heart Of Ecological Loss And Grief” - edited by Ashlee Cunsolo and Karen Landman