Our SEPCP webinar series resumes in June with a webinar exploring the intersection of psychology and climate crisis activism. This panel will feature three climate activists and authors (two of whom are psychologists): Adam Aron, Margaret Klein Salamon, and Lawrence MacDonald. They will discuss why they morphed their careers to become climate activists, what psychology can tell us about why activism is needed but not easy, and why and how researchers, practitioners, and everyone else can support climate activism and climate activists. Moderated by David Hindin, Division 34 Executive Committee member. Send questions about the webinar to David at secretary@sepcp.org.
Adam Aron is a climate activist and professor of psychology at UC San Diego.
Margaret Klein Salamon is the executive director of the Climate Emergency Fund.
Lawrence MacDonald is a former executive at the World Resources Institute.
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About our webinar series: SEPCP's webinar series invites speakers to share work and perspectives that contribute to our science and impact. All are welcome to attend, regardless of membership status. Early career researchers, including students, are especially encouraged to participate. Recordings are posted afterward to Division 34's YouTube channel.
If you have any questions about the webinar series, please contact Hale Forster, DIV34 President.
The information above is directly from the Society for Environmental Population & Conservation Psychology. Please contact them with any and all questions.